Just way too much open space for the IR sensor to wig out on. Lesson learned. But there were a few images in there of one living chordate.
This is one of the Carpodacus finches, likely Carpodacus mexicanus, the House Finch. While a common bird this is the first time I have gotten them on camera trap and actually the first time I have "seen" them at Younger Lagoon at all.
Thanks to local birding legend Steve Gerow for the ID help. I was not sure if it was a House Finch or a Purple Finch and really how to tell the difference between the two. Steve wrote:
"but the impression I get of the general structure ... is much more like House Finches, with a smaller rounder head, short bill with just about the right curve to the culmen, etc. Purple Finches almost always look larger headed, with a squarer or more angular head shape, and a longer bill that is not so curved.."
Conclusion: I have a lot of room for improvement in my birding skillz and my non-amphitheatre style trap set placement skillz.