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This blog is predominately about camera trapping in California. We camera trap to save our souls and to teach primary school students about biology and conservation. We will also touch on other camera trapping news and musings, sets from afar, mediocre herpetology, sucky birding, and other natural history discussions.

Friday, September 16, 2011

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Big buck from the UCSC campus.  They don't get much bigger out here on the coast.

Coyotes taking up residence in an abandoned SoCal home to be trapped and euthanized. Thoughts?
A bunch of new frogs in India.

Carmel-by-the-Sea is not the only town with raccoon problems.  Our state capitol has raccoon gang problems.

Chuck Testa! One of the most amazing commercials of all time.

Dinosaur feathers found in amber.  The images are awesome.

And a Giant extinct Crocodile found in Colombia.  In the same deposit as the Giant snake and thick shelled turtles from a few years back.

The Nile Crocodile is actually two distinct species.


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